1. [小玩意]地圖製造器
2. [小玩意]Twitter製造器
3. [小玩意]各大交流站製造器
4. [看圖] 高相數「最後的晚餐」
1. [部落格製作]地圖製造器
Translation |
常常會想要跟人指路但是不知道該怎麼辦吧!這個結合了google map的地圖製造器讓你很方便的告訴人你要他們去的地址在哪!而且滑鼠移到目的地的鍵頭,它還可以給你路線圖呢! 不過目前好像不支援中文。
Map Generator地圖製造器
2. [小玩意]Twitter製造器
3. [小玩意]各大交流站製造器
4. [看圖] 高相數「最後的晚餐」
tag: 分享
1 comment:
Dear Blogger,
please remove the link under the embeded google map on http://limonadashare.blogspot.com/2007/12/4.html
The small link under the map is called "Translation" (you see there only a "T")and is harming our site www.t o l i n g o.com in various ways and there also might be some legal issues.
It would be very kind, if you could send me a message, in case the deletion was successful.
Thank you very much!
Kind regards
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