Sunday, March 16, 2008


本文翻譯自[Yanko Design]的[Plants Fall Over When Thirsty]
就像人類一樣,植物在渴死的時候會倒下,但是植物又不像人類,沒辦法用口語向你表達它們需要水分,這就是Roply-Poly Pot的設計概念。利用水當中央的重量,當水沒有到達標準滿的時,這種盆栽會倒下去。最酷的是,每一個盆栽可依照任何不同植物的需水量來設定。雖然是一個很不錯的點子,不過現在還是在構想階段。

Just like people, plants fall over when they begin to die from thirst but unlike people, plants can’t verbally communicate when they need watering. That’s where the Roly-Poly Pot comes in. Using water a a counterweight, the pot slowly tips over when water levels are low. The cool thing is each pot can be adjusted to work with any plant’s watering needs. Neat idea but still a concept for now.

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